Meet the Product Department: Janet and Tina are the innovators, and bring new products to life

How does FLOMO fill its showroom, warehouse and retailers’ shelves and displays with more than 6,000 products?  By innovating and continuing to create and source new, contemporary items.

Janet and Tina are FLOMO’s Product Development experts, bringing a variety of consumer good experience to their creative roles.

“Product managers are the center of the development process when it comes to new products,” said Janet.  “We search, source, gather pricing and samples, and present product lines to our CEO for planning.  And then to customers for reviews.”

Janet and Tina recently worked on developing a substantial stationary line of journals and sketchbooks, and also a multi-phase production of arts and crafts supplies, which includes kids craft sets.

“It’s something new everyday, it is never the same,” noted Janet.  “We work with all departments within FLOMO, from Imports to Finance, as well as vendors and our support team in Shanghai.  We also provide sales presentations to support our reps in house and in the field, and sales tools to sell the goods.”

For FLOMO to remain a go-to brand for everything you need to celebrate, stationery, education, holiday, arts & crafts, gifts, fitness products and more, the product department has to anticipate trends and always be ready to create the next best thing.

“[The idea for] a new product may come from a customer request,” said Janet, who looks for inspiration everywhere.

Tina, who also works on extensive line of seasonal products, says creativity is a key factor the department’s success, as well as the importance of keeping up with trends.

Creativity is vital, yet there are very scientific skills needed in quickly developing solid products at attractive prices.  One needs to have a strong background in math, logistics and time-management.

And not too many jobs can see a concept from start to finish as much as the product developers.

“When I go into a store and I see FLOMO products,” said Janet, “that really gives me the most satisfaction.”
